This list of terms can help you understand our product and ensure we use the same language.
Term |
Meaning |
Access token |
An access token authorises you to access our APIs. You include this as an authorisation header (type: For more, see our Developer Documentation. |
Active consent |
This means that a user is sharing data. This continues until the consent lifetime runs out or the user revokes the consent. |
This stands for account information service provider. With user consent, AISPs can retrieve account data from banks and financial institutions. |
This stands for application programming interface. APIs are how programs can communicate with each other. You can set up applications to work with data from DirectID using our APIs. To learn more, see our Developer Documentation. |
Client credentials |
When you access our API, |
Client ID |
This is your ID that you use along with your client secret to access our API. Use this as the For more, see Requesting a Client ID and Client Secret and our Developer Documentation. |
Client secret |
This is your secret key that you use along with your client ID to access our API. Use this as the For more, see Requesting a Client ID and Client Secret and our Developer Documentation. |
Connection |
When a user successfully logs in through DirectID Connect and consents to share data, we create a connection to their bank. This allows for access to their data. You can use this connection to refresh the data for as long as the consent is active. |
Consent |
A user creates a consent when they successfully authenticate their bank account and agree to share their data through DirectID Connect. We consider a consent to be valid when there is a successful authentication and the bank returns data. We do not bill for failed consents. A consent is active until it expires or is revoked. |
Credential sharing |
This is one of two ways that we integrate with banks. If a connection is not a direct integration, it uses credential sharing. |
Dashboard |
This is our advanced visual dashboard that allows you to view and understand your users' financial behaviours. The interface is interactive and offers everything you need to request, view, export, and filter bank statements. |
Expired consent |
After a consent expires, it no longer allows data sharing. You can re-authenticate a consent to continue sharing data. See What does 're-authenticate a consent' mean? for more. |
Notifications |
We can send notifications to update you on a user's journey through Direct ID. Notifications are either emails or webhooks. See our Developer Documentation for more. |
OAuth |
If a user's bank connection is via OAuth, the Widget directs them to their bank to verify their account. |
Payments initiation service provider |
Re-authentication |
You can re-authenticate consents to extend their lifetime. You can also do this when a consent expires or is revoked. See What does 're-authenticate a consent' mean? for more. |
Redirect URL |
You can set up a redirect URL, which sends users to a particular page after they finish using the Widget. |
Revoked consent |
A user may revoke a consent before its end date. This stops data refresh. Revoking a consent does not delete any existing data (if stored), unless explicitly requested. You can also revoke a consent and delete its data with our API. See our Developer Docs for more on revoking a consent and deleting data associated with a consent. |
Scope |
When requesting an access token for our APIs, the scope value specifies the API that you want to access. See our Developer Documentation for the possible values. |
In Open Banking, TPP stands for third party provider. With user consent, TPPs can interact with bank accounts. Account information service providers (AISPs) are one type of TPP that can share information about an account, but not change or control the account. |
Webhook |
Webhooks are one way that we can notify you as users use the Widget. We support email and webhook notifications. With webhooks, our server sends a notification to your server. See our Developer Documentation for more. |
Widget |
The Widget is our interface for Connect, which allows your users to select their bank, verify their details and consent for data sharing. |