You can review a list of all of your customers who have uploaded documents by looking at the Individuals tab on the Dashboard.
The Verified Individuals Panel lists all of the users that have uploaded documents. Use the search field at the top of the Panel to find Users by email address of Customer Reference. This will return all of the customer details that you might need - such as verification date, email address, DIRECTIDUID and Customer Reference. Click on View Report to see the documents they have uploaded.
If the search does not return any results, then this user has not yet uploaded any documents. If you send emails from the Dashboard Panel, you should check the Verification Request Tracking Panel at the bottom of the page. This shows whether a user has been sent, received, opened and clicked on an email.
To help with search, it's a good idea to ensure that the report contains a specific customer reference and email address. Instructions on how to do this can be found in this article.
If you have integrated the DirectID Widget directly into your website, please submit a Support Request to discuss how to add Customer Reference and email address metadata to your Verification Reports.